Three weeks course by 3XN - introduction to regenerative architecture; cradle to cradle, up cycling etc.
Learning about this way of thinking sustainability into a building focusing on four different areas: Material Metabolism; how can be make sure that the materials used in the building is sustainable and are able to be reused again and again without loosing the quality.
Urban Biodiversity: how can we include biodiversity into a building to affect the environment positive.
Water Purification; how can we get the best out of our resources and minimize our consumption such as reusing the water for toilet flush or having a living machine with sort of plants which can cleanse the water.
Clean Energy: How can we minimize the consumption of energy and make sure that our building at a certain point will produce more energy than it use gained by renewable energy sources.
Here is a short text about cradle to cradle and other underlying terms and three examples of sustainable buildings and how they have made sustainable solutions categorized in the above-mentioned areas