Friday, November 15, 2013

Phase 4

Foci 1: Create balance between dynamic >< static structure 

Frame the dynamic parts and thereby be able to control the extent of how the structure can move.

Investigation: Make metal frames with suspended 'fabric with props' attached in various points - investigation of how it behaves differently depending on the number and placement of the attachment points.

Foci 2: The shape and scale of the elements (props)

Try different kind of shapes: triangle, hexagon, asymmetric rhombus(the element we have used so far) and symmetric rhombus - in two different scales

Investigation: Pieces of fabric with the different kind of shapes and scales (8 variations) suspended in the metal frames

All of the 8 variations suspended in all of the ten different configuration of point attachments exposed to wind from three different angles. 

Book - Phase 3.3 - Final Prototype

Final Model/Prototype


                                                                  Diagrams:Transformation of the structure (three selected shapes) - hight 
                                                                  Body ><Cover

Final ModelPlanning and decisions 

Location: Placed with the back of the structure to East-south-east and open up to West - make lee for the wind  in the closed space of the structure

Anchorage points: 
The open part of the structure should be attached with a wire in two asymmetric points to a wire which are shaped in a circular shape connected by three poles so it is able to slide and be tranformed and the wire to the fabric should be longer than the distance from the fabric to the poles so it also is able to move upwards and downwards.
The space of refuge: The anchorage points should be poles from which the structure is connected with wires which makes it possible for the structure to move and be affected by wind but still be in the same general position. 
And to make lee we will add more fabric so it will go to the ground and in the middle also attach the structure further with wires to the ground

The structure of the material for of the space of refuge - manipulation(exstra props):The structure of the material should be scaffold with lists and should go down to this tip in the corner of the space. 

And thereby create this more dictated form which should be a triangular shape with a flat “roof”

The apperance of the structure: The material of the structure should be fabric with white opaque full gloss plastic rhombus-elements.

There should be openings in a part of the structure in the opposite end of the structure than the space of refuge.
The openings should open inwards to make it possible to see reflections of the outside and reflections of the light inside and make the structure  outside homogenous. 

Probe 8

Openings in the structure 
- standardization or alternating


Probe 7

Membrane - Light
Shadows / Reflection / Openings

Probe 6

Manipulation of the transformation of the structure 
-connecting the elements independent to each other 
and creating new patterns in the material

Probe 4 and 5

Anchorage points

The open part of the structure

The closed part of the structure - space of refuge

Schedule - Phase 3.3

Book - Phase 3.2 - Probes

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Probe 3

Material -  Properties

Light - Shadows/reflections

Wood - Cardboard - Transparent plastic

Probe 2.2

Applying frost on the structures while they are exposed to wind 

Change from being dynamic to static 

Rhombus-plate structure with openings:

Rhombus-grid structure with partition

Probe 2

Different levels of flexibility  - openings and partition 

Openings in rhombus-plate structure:

Partition in rhombus-grid structure:

Probe 1

The behavior of different structures in the material (Fabric with props)

Structure 1 - Rhombus-grid structure

Structure 2 - Rhombus-plate structure

Structure 3 - Flexible rhombus-grid structure


Folded/sliced cardboard - Flexibility >  Dynamic structure

Folded/sliced cardboard - sketch models -  Flexibility <Dynamic Structure>

Variations of openings in the material (cardboard) - flexibility

(Sorted out in the final book because it did not had a big influence on the further development of the project but it does of cause have a big influence on our process and the direction of the project as it shows that we have take another material in to consideration and in that context we come up with the idea with a flexible material which are controlled by rigid elements which gives the material different behaviors depending on the shape of the props)